- Virtual Viewing, s.r.o. 

Virtual Viewing, s.r.o.
Informácie o firme
Virtual Viewing - creating better digital solutions today for use tomorrow - from web sites to corporate CD-ROMS, networks to ADSL.

Virtual Viewing has in excess of 300 clients. Almost all of which have some form of web site development that was either initially created by Virtual Viewing or is now supported by Virtual Viewing.

90% of Virtual Viewing’s coding and current stock of client web sites and developments are coded in ASP, and PHP.

Právna forma:Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným
Región pôsobenia:Slovenská republika


Grosslingova 4
811 09

Katalóg IT firiem
Firma je v IT katalógu zaradená do sekcií: Internet, IT riešenia, IT služby

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